So, what a week in America, eh? The rhetoric and noise died down a little during the holidays, but kicked right back into gear and into eleven after 1/6/21. My mind has worn out from all of the info dump and acknowledgement of what has happened since then to make sure something wasn’t amiss. With that comes seeing what others think.
I’ve hemmed and hawed on whether I should put a statement on here when I heard the best advice I could: everyone has a statement. It’s the same as everyone has an opinion, except everyone now is on the tower with their megaphone and blaring out their own thoughts to make sure you got the message. So I’ve stopped until now, only on a personal note.
I’ve had this thing that happens when I get really, really tired. I think it looks like the scene in the Matrix where Neo is getting super powers downloaded to his brain at Google Fiber speed and he’s involuntarily roiling at all the info being dumped. Except instead of gaining something useful (say “I know kung fu” and voila!), I feel like I’m loosing out of oxygen and my focus is nil. My eyes feel flutter and it’s like my brain just had a record lock that needs to cleared out by doing a hard reset. Pull the plug, wait 15 seconds, plug back in and wait.
It’s happened more after looking through on what the hell is going on. With research comes voice, and that voice holds opinions. And they’re some opinions, while I respect and believe everyone should freely express, that make me very, very tired. It feels like my skull is a modem that has been out of warranty of 15 years and you can’t afford the upgrade.
David Lynch stated in his masterclass about Creativity (if you can afford it, get the year’s worth. That class and Neil Gaiman and Story telling is well worth the price). He said something along the lines that “Anxiety and fatigue will kill creativity.” I’m paraphrasing without looking up my source, so if I got it wrong my bad. But it was something that resonated to me and my aspiration to world build and create something cool for the world.
Ok, got that out of the way. I hope that whatever is to come we can shuffle through and pray we can become better than this. No one has all the answers, but at least can we make the moves to be better people? And by that, I mean we treat people like what they fucking are: people. No organizations, no groups, no swift catch phrases. If there were any, here it is.
Don’t be a dick.
Thank you!!1